
Abstract submission deadline: 31st August, 2024 (23:59 hrs GMT )

Notification of acceptance: 15th August, 2024

Please read these guidelines carefully. A printout could assist you while using the system.

It is not permitted to submit work that has been published and/or is likely to be published before the DFSICON 2024. The Programme Committee has the right to remove an abstract if this contains data that has already been published. Authors submitting prior published or presented work or any form of plagiarism (shall be checked by Ithenticate software) will be banned from presenting data at the DFSICON Meetings for three years.

The DFSICON2024 online abstract submission is only available via the DFSICON2024 Abstract Submission Platform; you will need to create a DFSICON2024 account via the DFSICON2024 website to have access. Please make sure to always enter the first name starting with a capital letter and continue with lower case, e.g. First Name: John; 2nd Initial: J; 3rd Initial: R; Last Name: Macleod, address, contact details, etc. Do not type in everything in capital letters.

Once logged in Online DFSICON Abstract System, please proceed to Abstract Submission where you will be able to start your New Abstract Submission.

Important Note: All correspondence regarding the handling of each abstract will be sent ONLY to the presenting = first named author's contact e-mail provided during the submission process (only one e-mail address per presenting = first named author). Therefore, the e-mail address entered in the system as the presenting author's contact is extremely important!

Disclosure Information
Abstract Categories:

A) Medical Sciences Abstract

B) Surgical Sciences Abstract

Haven’t created the profile yet? Please visit the below link to create profile and submit abstract.

Create Profile

Have you created your profile? If yes, you can submit abstract by visiting the following link.

Submit Abstract